Vacation Bible School-Just Lego!

Everything is NOT awesome in LogosLand. Legolas must save his beloved Stillwater and the greater region of LogosLand from the tyranny of the evil Moldy Vorte, who is trying to take over the land with his new weapon, the Kragle. While shepherding his flock in the green pastures of Stillwater, Legolas is shown the Piece of Resistance in a revelation through fire. He is led to a fellowship that will help him stop the villainous Moldy Vorte and his IRKS from their evil plan. Legolas’ journey leads him through the River of Righteousness and into the Valley of Death. A Remnant of the Fellowship is finally able to overtake Vorte and his Kragle with the Piece of Resistance and save all those who dwell in Legoland.

It’s sort of Pilgrim’s Progress meets Lord of the Rings, and DC Comic Superheroes all rolled into one! Truly, an epic adventure.  Each day as we travel through the land of the 23rd Psalm (LOGOs Land), we’ll learn more about something WE want to control but need to LEGO and LEGOD so that God can be God in our life.    This VBS has Music, Creative arts, Recreation, Bible Lessons, Snacks, and ADVENTURE! ADVENTURE!  ADVENTURE!Music